"The #1 Source for Turning Coaches and Holistic Practitioners
into 6-Figure Transformational Leaders."

ATTN: Coaches and Holistic Practitioners who are tired of being overlooked and undervalued…

Want a Customized Plan to

Create Your Profitable Package?

Set Yourself on the Path to Consistent $10,000+ Months, so you can secure your financial freedom (without discounting your rates or only attracting clients who can’t afford you).

Book Your "Create Your Profitable Package"

Strategy Session ($300 value)

*Our Client Attraction Strategists Have Limited Spots Available! 

ATTN: Coaches and Holistic Practitioners who are tired of being overlooked and undervalued…

Want a Customized Plan to

Create Your Premium Package?

Set Yourself on the Path to Consistent $10,000+ Months, so you can secure your financial freedom (without discounting your rates or only attracting clients who can’t afford you).

Book Your "Create Your Premium Package"

Strategy Session ($300 value)

*Our Client Attraction Strategists Have Limited Spots Available! 

There are people out there charging more than you -- and getting it.  Now It’s Your Turn!

After helping our members earn hundreds of millions of dollars collectively in the past 18+ years, we've refined our systems to help you give yourself a raise and earn more.

We know so many coaches and holistic practitioners who are…

Searching for a heart-based and proven way to attract aligned clients, so you’re not constantly hearing “I can’t afford it.”

Hoping to effectively communicate the value of their services, without resorting to language that feels pushy or sales-y.

Seeking financial freedom, while sharing their gifts to change the lives of their clients.

And we want to help you get there…

Take advantage of this 30-minute private sessions with one of our expert Client Attraction Strategists

where you’ll get a laser-focused, custom path to help you give yourself a raise.


Our intention is that your session will help you feel more confident and clear about how to create a profitable package that attracts aligned clients who can afford you and value your work. 

Your financial freedom is just around the corner…

Are you ready for it?

Apply for Your Private Session Below!

Limited Spots Available!

(If you are already a Thrive Academy Member, please book a call with your Thrive Business Coach.)

Please complete this required short questionnaire for your

customized “Create Your Profitable Package" Strategy Session

so we can get you scheduled with one of our

expert Client Attraction Strategists.

Your answers will help your strategist deliver more

customized coaching and value during your session.

Please tell us about what you do as a Coach or Holistic Practitioner…
What are your biggest challenges when it comes to charging more for your services?
What have you tried to get clients at your current rate? How has it worked?
On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being “I haven’t enrolled a new client yet,” and 10 being “I enroll 90% or more,” how would you rate your ability to turn potential clients into paying clients?
If you’re still at the same income level in 6-12 months, what might happen in your life?
What is the ideal number of clients you want?
What would be the biggest benefits of achieving this goal?
On a scale from 1 (low) - 10 (high), how committed are you to learning how to charge more and attract more clients?
Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?

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Contact Us: 

[email protected]

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If you're looking to attract and enroll your ideal clients using heart-based strategies...

If you're ready to roll up your sleeves and do the work...

If you're looking for customized support to get you clients fast...

We might be able to help.